Five Questions for Alice: Our Talent Managing Superstar
1. How do you start your day?
In the glory days I would try to make myself breakfast (egg and bagel) and a coffee straight away when I arrive to get my day started right. I, however, gave up coffee for New Years, and this is my first day of veganism for Lent so now I just have watery porridge – not quite as good a start to the day but it’s self inflicted so I can’t complain. I then either greet my first interviewee or get right down to checking my emails.
2. What’s your favourite/least favourite interview question?
I don’t want to spoil the surprise for everyone who comes in! I generally try to avoid set questions and stick to chatting for the majority of the time anyway, but I’ve got a couple of regular self-reflection-esque ones I try to throw into the mix. In terms of what I hate, I guess it’s just those standard interview questions that everyone has scripted their answers for already. No one really gets much out of that process.

3. What’s your interview story at Brainlabs?
I actually applied for the Brainlabs grad scheme really late (a month after it had started…) so it was all a bit of a whirlwind to try and get involved as soon as possible. I think I just had a first interview with Sophie and Vis, and then a second one with Dan. It was all pretty informal, and I’ve stolen some of the questions they used on me for my own interviews so it’s always quite interesting to see how my answers measure up to the newest candidates.
4. Why did you apply?
If I’m completely honest, the initial appeal came from them not asking for a cover letter which I’ve always thought was a waste of everyone’s time . Once I’d had a look at the website I was intrigued by the office culture and it was nice to see that it really was all put into practice when I came in for interview and met everyone.

5. What are your top tips for interview success?
I guess the biggest tip is just to relax. We’re all pretty normal, nice people and a lot of the people you’ll be talking to (especially in the early stages) will have gone through the process themselves very recently. It’s also important to remember that we’re genuinely trying to work out if you’d be a good fit for Brainlabs – and if it’ll be a good fit for you – so just be yourself and don’t worry about fitting in all the buzzwords that Wikihow contributors think are important.
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