Our Social Lead tells Campaign where the UK election was won online

Our Social Practice Lead Costas Tsiappourdhi spoke to Campaign Magazine to gave his say on the which UK political party used social media best in the run-up to this week’s election.

Here’s what he had to say:

‘Labour is the most invested party on social, spending 50% more on Meta Ads than the Conservatives in June. Its targeted approach makes it the highest spending party in 376 constituencies where it is projected to win 80% of the seats (source: whotargetsme.com). Combined with its leading follower numbers, Labour appears to be the winning party on social media.

But what about engagement? Our Bytesights tool shows TikTok conversations focus negatively on the Conservatives, with #conservatives and #toriesout seeing high engagement and negative sentiment. Meanwhile, #reformuk is the fastest growing in views among political hashtags, showing a mix of sentiments and indicating the party’s polarising nature is driving visibility.

Overall, Labour seems to win on social media with a strong paid and organic strategy and negative Tory sentiment. However, the growing interest in Reform will be a win for Nigel Farage’s party, even if it minimally impacts this election.’

Read the full article here