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Are your marketing strategies cut out for peak season 2024?

Brat summer is officially over. 

But as we retire our strappy white tops and clean off the smudged eyeliner, it’s time to get into gear for the next big thing. There’s no escaping it. Peak season for marketers is officially upon us – Halloween, Black Friday, and even Christmas and New Year are all closer than we’d like to think. 

If you haven’t planned for these, you’re already behind.

Marketing for the holiday season has always started early. But it’s even earlier now that social media is part of that play. The 2024 TikTok Holiday Playbook measured a gigantic 190% increase in #holidayshopping videos posted from the week before to the week after Halloween in 2023. And that’s only 5 weeks away.

But fear not. We’ve got you with our insider strategies to help brands prepare for the ever-nearing peak. Annalie, from Brainlabs talks us through what brands should do to make the most of the season – even if they’ve left it to the last minute.

Top 5 strategies for peak season success

The devil works hard but marketing departments work harder, and there’s certainly no rest as we approach peak season. Brands need to make sure they’re doing the most in their influencer activations and on their socials. Let’s look at five strategies brands should implement to excel.

  1. Use the right creators

Everyone knows that influencer content drives engagement. But now that people are so in tune to what is a legitimate credible partnership, and what’s just created because it’s been paid for, it’s more important than ever for brands to ensure they’re using the right creators who align with their values and genuinely like their products. And this doesn’t just mean creators that are in the same niche. 

By branching out and working with influencers in alternative verticals, brands can increase their reach and maximize ROI. But how do they find the right creators? This is where Brainlabs’ tech tools come in. Our Bytesights 2.0 tool taps into current conversations their audiences are having and finds influencers having the same conversations before they blow up.

In fact, working with influencers actually increases in-store sales. When working with a global perfume brand, our sales dashboard demonstrated a repeated and coefficient relationship with influencer activity and an uptick in in-store sales. For example, following our most concentrated period of influencer activity, we saw a 50% increase in sales. Conversely, when the activity was reduced, we saw a 66% drop in sales.

  1. Reactive over strategy

Most brands will already have their holiday strategies sorted, with Christmas campaign planning typically starting in June, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be adapted. Reactive social marketing is crucial to staying relevant and brands should prioritize instinct over a set course of action. Focus on being in the moment and utilize cultural moments and trends. While it’s important to plan ahead, you also need to leave aside budget and resources for unprecedented events, to ensure you become part of the cultural zeitgeist. What was hot in summer won’t be in winter – don’t get left behind.

  1. Utilize TikTok Shop

As we predicted, brands and customers are using TikTok Shop more and this will only increase over peak season. In 2023, TikTok users spent more over the holidays in all categories, including 80% more in travel, 60% in skincare, and 50% in makeup. If brands are not already selling on TikTok shop what are you waiting for? Now is the time to start. 

  1. Go live

TikTok Live is also growing, with 17% of users watching a live stream during the holiday period. Those who viewed live streams are 80% more likely to follow the brand, 70% will click on ads, and 30% will click on links. Going live helps brands activate social listening, learn about their consumers, and increase sales. 

Tip: don’t just go live on the holiday itself. Creating exclusive early bird live content before Black Friday will give customers a sneak preview and generate hype for the event. 

  1. Focus on the joy 

2024 is the year of underconsumption – people are prioritizing quality over quantity and cutting back on non-essentials. We predict that Christmas 2024 will be the year of mindful giving and joy will be the winning factor when purchasing. During the holidays, customers are more likely to use TikTok for inspiration for gift ideas that spark this joy.

And what’s more joyful than treating yourself? Last year, 87% of TikTok users bought gifts for themselves while holiday shopping. Often it’s less about the product itself and more about how people are talking about it. Brands should work on creating joyful conversations around their products to appeal to customers in this underconsumption age.

How will underconsumption affect peak season?

Underconsumption isn’t going anywhere, and many brands are worried that the movement will affect peak season. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are already met with criticism for mass consumerism, overspending, and ‘false’ discounts. So, how do brands positively tackle these events?

Customers want honesty and many brands are calling Black Friday out for what it is. If your brand has a humorous side, lean into that and poke fun at the day – even be self mocking in your approach to engage your audience. This is also a good opportunity to collaborate with an influencer to create tongue-in-cheek campaigns.

Want to make even more of an impact? Forget the flash sales entirely and donate to charity instead. Brands can show their audience they care about wider conversations and their community, and build that all-important trust. Of course, revenue is important, so combining a charity event with a discount could be a way to reward your customers and donate to a good cause, while not losing out on sales. 

Make 2024 your best year yet

The holidays are becoming increasingly oversaturated, so if you want to succeed at high-performance marketing you need to give more to your audience. There’s no denying it’s a tough climate, but by seeking joy, utilizing TikTok tools, and staying relevant with the right creators, brands can create effective campaigns that cut above the noise.

Whether you’ve been planning your peak season strategy for months, or left it to the last minute, these tips will give your campaigns that extra boost. And remember, it’s never too early to start planning your strategies for 2025!

If you need help refining your approach, Brainlabs is just a message away. Talk to us today for expert advice on navigating the busiest season.